Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Watch the Biggest Loser special with me

Hi all,

Tomorrow night, Thanksgiving eve.,Wed., Nov. 24, I invite you to watch NBC's Biggest Loser at 8 p.m. and get a glimpse into Fitness North and my soon to be world.

NBC TV was at Surfside in late October filming O'Neal Hampton and the launch of Fitness North. O'Neal is featured on the special titled "Where are they now?" as he pays it forward by helping those of us who still have mountains to climb and are just beginning the journey.

O'Neal, Sheryl and the FN#1 family will be featured on the special and I hope you will watch and think of me and my personal journey as you do. Thanks for your support. Cheers!

P.S. O'Neal I adore you and look forward to you kicking my butt.


  1. I am so glad you are taking time for you after spending so much time helping others. This is the beginning of a life long change.

  2. I'm taping it! I'm gone for the holiday but look forward to watching it upon my return! I'm so excited!

  3. This is so great - I'll be watching for sure!

  4. Great show. I may need to spend a couple of weeks with O'Neal.

  5. Dear Lor,
    All I can say is WOW!! I am so incredibly proud of you for putting yourself in the equation like never before!
    Have been thinking of you every day and pulling for you during the work outs.
    I will keep following along and cheering you on.
    Love, Mar

  6. Hi Lori
    Hope Today went well. It was so good talking to you. You sounded so good compared to the week you have had. I am so proud of you. Good luck in the days ahead. Love you MOM
