The weather today in the Twin Cities is supposed to hit 77 degrees - in mid March! The sun is shining literally and figuratively today in my world.
After toughing it out through some emotional drama this week (self-inflicted), I hit my goal of losing -200 lbs (-202 to be exact) and am one step closer to reaching my goal weight. Almost there!
I wish I could tell you that the rosy, off-the-charts-positive-and-perky Lori was back. But truthfully, that's not really where I am. I am still feeling very tired of the long journey, somewhat apprehensive about what's next, and just a bit - well, unsettled, all around.
My friend and mentor, O'Neal Hampton, who has walked this path said that is totally normal and the emotion is a necessary part of the journey. He assures me I am not nuts and am right on schedule! :-) So, I honor that and sit with it awhile.
My friend and transformation coach Leif Anderson of Leif Anderson Fitness deserves major kudos for guiding me through this entire process - from the top of Oberg Mountain that first time to where I am today. Leif carved out the strategy and the customized plans that worked with my body chemistry to lose body fat, and in the process he has witnessed the good, the bad and the ugly...week after week for 15 months now! Thank you Chief. I cannot imagine walking this path without you.
To each of you who has helped me during the past days, weeks and months of this journey - I can't thank you enough! Your love, support and encouragement has raised me up when I needed it - especially as I am fighting to bring it home this next week or two. Looking forward to celebrating May 12.
In the meantime, I am sending big hugs and today I am grateful for where I am in the process. Just sitting with it. Unsettledness and all. And, of course, moving forward toward my goal in my determined and stubborn way. I WILL get this done! :-) There is no question.
Pretty awesome accomplishment. Way to go sista!
ReplyDeleteEven though it is raining outside today Schaef - the sun is shing on you and all of your accomplishments. It's been a grand afventure for me to be a part of. thanks for being a great friend and allowing me to document your journey.
ReplyDeleteoh dear....bad typos...sorry