What a day and a week this has been! All good. In fact, amazing...and noteworthy.
Coming off my weekend celebratory mountain climb on Oberg Mountain, I had to get back to the reality of a crazy busy work life and another week of the extreme fat loss plan.

The answer is - with a whole lot of help from friends, supporters and my team! This includes a fabulous trainer who stepped up this week to train and help motivate me consistently; fellow lions who have rallied to check in on a daily basis and share their progress; friends and colleagues who have lined up as walking partners for my evening cardio; and a whole lot of kick a _ _ help from a wonderful and patient Marketing that Matters team - starting with Jodi, Theressa, Terry...
In the past few days, I have received flowers and gorgeous plants (I LOVE flowers - they make me so happy), cards, daily check ins, and phone calls and messages of support from friends and colleagues from all facets of my life. Not to mention my morning jump start from my fabulous trainer Sandra Swami who decided to get creative this morning and lead me through 30 minutes of step aerobics before my cardio at 6:30 a.m.! Who dances and steps before 7 a.m. ...sober? I guess I do! :-)
The afternoon brought a fabulous business planning meeting with my professional coach Anne who suggested we meet and walk (over 6 miles) around the Minneapolis lakes! And the evening ended with a power walk around Como Lake in the pouring rain with my friend Betsy who ventured out just to support me and managed to get quite wet doing so.
This exceptional "Lori in the equation" day has totally inspired me and sparked a bolt of productivity, positivity and creativity. I am forever grateful that during this challenging week I was able to "rock it" and feed on the energy, love and support of my incredible team and so many friends. I am a lucky, lucky girl. Brimming with excitement and anticipation for the next phase of this journey. I can't wait to see what I can make happen next!
Thank you to everyone who has touched my heart and my path these past two weeks. You are amazing and I adore you! Your love and support has helped me than you know.
Tonight, I feel totally and completely blessed. And I am smiling.
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