Wednesday, February 29, 2012

On the home stretch

This journey never ceases to surprise me. Each and every step of the way it offers new insights and new "WOW" moments as I continue down the path to personal health and wellness. This past week and weekend I had several of those. Some good and some challenging.

Two weeks ago, I started a new phase of the journey - the home stretch. The Master Chief and my Transformation Coach - Leif Anderson  - created a final-stage fat loss plan designed to bring me to goal over the next few weeks. I'd like to lose about another 20 lbs. But am anxiously awaiting results of my body fat percentage before we determine a final goal weight.

After more than a year of working with Leif at the helm, I have learned to appreciate each phase of the journey and the learning that comes with it. Perhaps more importantly, I have learned to trust the process. And trust Leif! By doing so, I have learned so much - from the importance of fat loss not weight loss, adjusting my metabolic rate to keep me working as a fat burning machine, how to kick it in the gym and make that mind-muscle connection (still working on this one), tips for walking the journey when the going gets tough...and more. Trust in the plan, the process, my coach (the brains behind this operation) and most of all, myself.

These next few weeks will not be easy. With each of the four weeks, I eat a bit less food and work out more. During the next couple of weeks, I expect to be challenged perhaps more than I have been to date. But I am not worried. I feel strong, confident, determines and focused like a laser beam on the goal. And there is no question in my mind that I will achieve and enter a maintenance program this early spring.

Today, I am thankful for my personality that allows me to be focused, determined, independent and strong. At the same time, I am incredibly grateful for my team - Leif, O'Neal, Sandra, Denise, and all of my day to day supporters and friends who have cheered me on.

Good things are happening and my thought is it only gets better. Wish me luck in this strict phase of my plan and the all important home stretch.


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