Today, I celebrate not only me...but the new me (inside and out). And, all of the amazing people whom I love and who have accompanied me on this incredible journey. What a lucky, lucky girl I am to have so many amazing people in my corner assisting, encouraging, and cheering me on.
You know who you are...and I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.
If this day could be described in a dress, this year it would be hot pink and sexy! Most of you know, I have come to LOVE my dresses. And this year I got a new funky dress and a hot pink jacket from INC to sport on my birthday. It was fun to get dressed up for my party at Bluefin Bay this past Saturday night. But even more fun to look at the pictures from last year's party and see the difference a year has made.
I don't have any profound blog post for today other than to spread the love and share my gratitude!
I plan to spend my day cherishing the gift of health and happiness that has come my way. Taking in each and every interaction and being thankful that I am loving life and couldn't be more excited about the future prospects.
I hold in my big heart today each and every person who has touched me along my journey - from the excavation team (Leif, O'Neal, Sandra, Denise, Shari & my FN 2 crew), to my family and friends who are too many to list, to my Marketing that Matters team - including Jodi, Theressa, and Anne who has coached and encouraged me along the way, to the new friends I have met along the way, and all of those who have reached out for help.
And for everyone who struggles with their weight or for that matter anything they feel they can't do, I tell you this. You can! And you will.
Big hugs! XXXX OOOOO
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