If I do that, I will most certainly be successful. I might not do it perfectly, or execute the plan at every moment, but if I can say that I have kept my promise to myself I will ultimately get to the top of the mountain.
Womanhood/age, health issues and work stresses all have threatened my progress these past couple of weeks. And, for the first time in nearly nine months, the scale has moved in the wrong direction. Yikes. Perhaps most significantly, these challenges have impeded my mental game, and for me that is the toughest to overcome. Add to this the fact that I am extremely busy at work with new clients and really high stakes, plus the physical exhaustion, moodiness and irritability, the fuzzy brain -- and, well, in the old days of Lori that would have been the perfect storm. Good reason to throw in the towel. ...But not today.
Today, instead of giving up, I blog. I reach out to pay it forward -- which helps keep my program strong. I take stock in all of the amazing progress I have garnered to date and I give myself a break for not being perfect. Pause. Yes, I am not perfect! I shop for new clothes and take stock of how fun it is to buy designer labels in the smallest size I have worn in nearly 30 years. And, I go out for a healthy dinner at an amazing new restaurant with a close friend who just turned 50.
In these times of struggle, I consult my incredible program director and master of the ship, Leif Anderson, who reminds me to simply execute the plan. And my long-time adviser, Denise, in turn reminds me to keep my eye on the goal - Lori in the equation.
Sometimes we have to walk forward without the benefit of the light. Sometimes, we take one step forward and two steps backward. It is during these times that we must embrace the things we can't control and let them be a part of the learning. We learn...and move on. We do not stop.We do not give up. We do not throw in the towel!
I am reminded about the phrase in one of my favorite inspirational quotes: We have to "promise ourselves to be so strong that nothing can disturb our peace of mind."
So for today, that will have to do. This blog will mark this point in the journey as one of the rocky spots and I will be reminded that I was strong enough to overcome by simply keeping the promise I made to myself, and executing the plan one day, one moment at a time. Thanks to Leif, Denise, Mom, Jean, and all for your love and support. I've got this!
"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and except only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the fair that the whole worked is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!
--Christian D. Larson
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