Wednesday, September 28, 2011

10 months...150 lbs lighter...goal in sight

I simply had to mark this point in the journey (yes, Rochelle, I called it a journey!). Ten months ago today -- Nov. 28, 2010 -- I officially started my Fitness North program at Surfside on Lake Superior and learned exactly what I am capable of -- physically and emotionally. The answer is: Absolutely anything!

This was proven in those first two weeks at fitness camp and has been tested, tried and true many times in the past 10 months: At -100 lbs; when challenged by serious life stresses or physical limitations; when pushed by my trainers; when emotionally challenged or disappointed by people/relationships; when I climb mountains for fun; and again today as the scale reads -150.

As I start my day, I am thinking of all of my FN 2 lions. Remembering how scared, nervous and yet determined I was 10 months ago to prove to myself and others that I could do this. To make this the biggest accomplishment of my life to date. I felt so far out of my comfort zone it wasn't even funny. I was quieter than I think I have ever been in my life with head down doing exactly what I was told, giving up control to my program director and trainers. I was more determined than I ever remember being about anything. And, more in tune with my body and my physical capabilities, as well as my emotions, than perhaps I have ever been in my life. That and a whole lot of hard work...and look at me now!

I will continue to walk the path every day and have months to go to reach my goal. But I will get there. You can too. My heart is full today. I am a lucky, lucky girl. A late bloomer but never the less, I am a bloomer! :-) Thank you to those of you who have stood by me, encouraged me, pushed me, and cheered me on. You know who you are and you know that you have been an integral part of my success. I love you all.

Wow, what a way to start the day and I celebrate by going back where it all began at Surfside on Lake Superior - my home away from home and right where I belong today.

With a full heart and a healthy new glow...


Sunday, September 25, 2011

So many much to look forward to

Wow, my heart is full. These past couple of weeks have been good ones for my program, and I am struck by how much day-to-day life has changed. In little ways and big ways. It's difficult to describe really, but life is full and enjoyable in each and every moment. Even in the tough moments because I find myself with the tools and the courage to change course and direct myself back to the goal. And it feels so great!

I just got back from a week on the road where I hiked my mountain in record time - cut 25 minutes off my best Oberg Mountain climb. And I can't wait to get back and do it again this week with fall colors abloom.

Here are just a few of the ways life has changed in recent months.

Parties in Public. Last night I got all dressed up for a wedding with my close college friends/sorority sisters and I was actually looking forward to attending, to getting dressed up and seeing people I haven't seen in 15 years. In the past, I would have dreaded the gathering and frankly avoided it for that reason. I would have stayed home and wallowed. This time, I dressed and danced - and stayed on my program while doing so!

Picture Me. I absolutely love getting my photo taken right now and charting my progress. I bring my camera and actually ask people to take my photo. What?!! This is the girl that hid from the camera for years - 15+ years. It's crazy and my friend Jean and my sisters are happy to oblige.

Hiker/Mountain Climber. As I prepare for the impending mountain climb in Acadia National Park in three weeks with my sorority sisters, I realize I want to hike/climb all of the time. I LOVE IT! Can't wait. And yes, for the record, this is exercise. And I used to hate it and avoid it. "Hiking" on the North Shore for me was walking from Hwy 61 to the lake via Temperance River State Park! Now, I am plotting the next big climb and hoping I can convince some of my sisters to do a second mountain top with me while on vacation in Maine.

Fashionista, Bar None. I am a fashion queen and a shopper with new clothes, in new sizes, and so many cute things from name brands that only "little" people could wear. Soon, I have to stop shopping and just enjoy the new closet of fashion I have built! But wow, am I having fun. New clothes, shoes, coats, accessories. Frankly, I don't have enough places to wear all of this stuff. Or the financial means to sustain it! New mountain climbing/hiking shoes, new fashion boots, new skirts, Italian tights, slinky, sexy shirts, a new leather coat... OMG, this is fun.

The strategy of it all. I simply LOVE talking and thinking about why this program is working for me and how I can help motivate, encourage and support others in the journey. There are so many people to help and I simply know that if I can do it, you can to. It is a life changer, bar nothing I have experienced. And at the risk of annoying all of my friends and those who follow this blog - I want to pass it on, pay if forward, make this in some way part of my life's calling.

My heart is so full with all of the love, encouragement and support I have received on this journey from so many people. Close friends and family - my mom, sister, nephews and dad, Jimbo, my sorority sisters, my FN 2 family, Leif and O'Neal, the Marketing that Matters team, my Bluefin Bay family, and so many, many friends and others who I didn't even know were following my progress. Wow. I am overwhelmed and blessed - and I can tell you, it does indeed make a difference in my motivation and my progress. It totally inspires me to press on.

Next Up: Of course the mountain climb in Acadia in three weeks with my sorority sisters and some of my closest friends in the world! Then, we'll see what next. The big and bold goal I just asserted is that I hope to reach my ultimate goal by my birthday - February 14, 2011. Discussing it now with my Chief and my trainer to see if we can go for it. How cool would it be to be celebrating my birthday in 20 weeks - 4.5 months - at goal! I think there will be one big party to celebrate. And I mean BIG party!

Thank you all for your continued love and support. I adore you. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You know who you are.


Saturday, September 10, 2011

What a difference a week makes!

It's not surprising that this "journey" to better health and living has its ups and downs. Last week I blogged about two weeks of downs/struggles that caused the scale to move in the wrong direction and me to lose my emotional edge. It also had me worried that health issues (I will spare you the details) would interfere with my plan and progress longer term.

This week, I am happy to report that I am back on track and reporting a -10 lb weight loss for the week! For me that is a huge. It means I lost what I gained in two weeks and a few more to get to my lowest weight in well - a really, really long time. All worth celebrating. Yeah me!

But what is most compelling about this is the process of how I got there and what I learned from it. Thus this blog. The lesson behind the challenges and triumphs is important to me and likely for anyone else struggling with weight issues, life balance and having time for themselves, achieving all they can achieve...

So, in true Lori fashion and in the spirit of the title of this blog - "She Climbed Until She Saw" - I want to make note of the lessons behind the success, and acknowledge that this is a twisty road I am on and I must be mindful of the successes and celebrate them but also be grounded in reality. My reality is that I still have a long way to go to goal, it is getting slower and tougher, and there will be many more challenges ahead, and in those important lessons. The best we can ever do is be aware, fully experience them, learn, adjust and keep on a truckin.

What I did right this time...

  • Realized what is in my control and what is not. Accepted what I can't control and adjusted/focused on what I can. Okay, truth is I can't control the fact that I am aging and stuff happens. I can control how I process it, react to it, and attend to it. I was awfully quick to freak out and play the "victim" when I wasn't feeling well and physical and emotional symptoms were affecting my day to day life in a big way. But after some reading/self-educating, very little wallowing, and garnering support from other women friends, I was able to accept what I couldn't control. I made up my mind that I wasn't going to let the physical and emotional changes in my body affect my program. I made attitude adjustments, refocused and moved on. Whew. That's kinda cool.
  • Worked the plan. I listened to my program director, Leif Anderson, and everything we were taught at FN and I worked the program -- one meal, one workout, one day at a time. Slowly but surely the combination of my execution of the plan and the physical issues self correcting - I felt a lot better. The  pounds started to come off and by week's end I was back on track and smaller! 
  • Working the plan is also about more than the meal plan and workouts, its about journaling and blogging, food tracking every day, shopping and staying focused on future goals like my mountain climb... I know what to do to execute the full plan and every time I do - whola it works!
  • Lori in the center. I followed Denise's advice and what I know to be true about my number one goal - I kept myself in the center of the equation - even when I had good reasons (excuses) not to. I was every bit as busy if not busier and more stressed with clients this week, but I held on to my workouts, my sleep and my overall plan.
  • Acknowledged the emotional and embraced it, but gave up victimhood. I acknowledged that I am a passionate and emotional person and gave myself the two weeks to be emotional about what I needed to feel, but I didn't wallow (okay, well, maybe just a little). I moved on and adjusted my attitude. Again, back to number one, the only thing I can control is how I react to it. So the optimistic, fun, passionate Lori came back to lead the charge and had fun doing it. I really am a funster and kick butt when I am focused!
  • Check out my photos from a fun Labor Day weekend photo shoot in Rochester with my adorable friend and photographer Jean Voxland, and a shopping spree with my Mom that yielded many cute designer labeled clothes and some great new workout clothes. Yeah!
So the lessons here are simple...really. And I needed to make note of them for me and for all of you who may have similar ups and downs. For now, I am enjoying the ride and embracing my great week, and gearing up for a fun but crazy busy week on the road. I am excited to hike and climb some mountains on the North Shore for my workouts. Certainly, I will be more challenged to balance the work with Lori time and stick to the meal plan while traveling. All things I have done many times and can more certainly do again.

All smiles today as I pack my cute clothes for the next leg of the journey.


Click on this link to view images from my Labor Day Fun photo shoot - me at -140 lbs.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Favorite inspirational this juncture of the journey

This is going to be good.
First it begins inside your heart. Something moves. Then opens. Then frees itself. And now you feel a rhythm breaking its long silence. This is going to be good!

One day...
One day, she noticed something new in her reflection. Something that had a light all its own.

She climbed until she saw. 

Keep the promise you made to yourself.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Remember to fulfill the promise you made to yourself

These past few weeks have been tough. And it is in these tough times that I am reminded to keep it simple. To keep the promise that I made to myself about nine months ago - to put Lori in the moment, one day at a after day after day.

If I do that, I will most certainly be successful. I might not do it perfectly, or execute the plan at every moment, but if I can say that I have kept my promise to myself I will ultimately get to the top of the mountain.

Womanhood/age, health issues and work stresses all have threatened my progress these past couple of weeks. And, for the first time in nearly nine months, the scale has moved in the wrong direction. Yikes. Perhaps most significantly, these challenges have impeded my mental game, and for me that is the toughest to overcome. Add to this the fact that I am extremely busy at work with new clients and really high stakes, plus the physical exhaustion, moodiness and irritability, the fuzzy brain -- and, well, in the old days of Lori that would have been the perfect storm. Good reason to throw in the towel. ...But not today.

Today, instead of giving up, I blog. I reach out to pay it forward -- which helps keep my program strong. I take stock in all of the amazing progress I have garnered to date and I give myself a break for not being perfect. Pause. Yes, I am not perfect! I shop for new clothes and take stock of how fun it is to buy designer labels in the smallest size I have worn in nearly 30 years. And, I go out for a healthy dinner at an amazing new restaurant with a close friend who just turned 50.

In these times of struggle, I consult my incredible program director and master of the ship, Leif Anderson, who reminds me to simply execute the plan. And my long-time adviser, Denise, in turn reminds me to keep my eye on the goal - Lori in the equation.

Sometimes we have to walk forward without the benefit of the light. Sometimes, we take one step forward and two steps backward. It is during these times that we must embrace the things we can't control and let them be a part of the learning. We learn...and move on. We do not stop.We do not give up. We do not throw in the towel!

I am reminded about the phrase in one of my favorite inspirational quotes: We have to "promise ourselves to be so strong that nothing can disturb our peace of mind."

So for today, that will have to do. This blog will mark this point in the journey as one of the rocky spots and I will be reminded that I was strong enough to overcome by simply keeping the promise I made to myself, and executing the plan one day, one moment at a time. Thanks to Leif, Denise, Mom, Jean, and all for your love and support. I've got this!

"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and except only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the fair that the whole worked is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!
                                                                                --Christian D. Larson