Thursday, May 19, 2011

Life Anew

As I'm driving home from my morning workout to ready for the day, I am struck by the gorgeous spring blossoms budding on the trees, the bushes, the flowers. My neighborhood is like a spring kingdom with freshness, newness and life everywhere. I love spring! It feels like a chance to start anew with a clean, fresh slate and blossom and bud for the world to see. Sounds corny when you write it, I know. But I'm a little nutty that way and I LOVE that about me!

What struck me as I was taking in spring and all of the new opportunities, was how very different my life is today vs. one spring ago -- in big and little ways.

A year ago I didn't have the same kind of hope and optimism. I was coming off a serious betrayal of trust and relationship fall-out and I had lost hope in human kind. This year, I couldn't be more excited, optimistic and, frankly, just happy in the moment with the way things are. I am actually fully appreciating and enjoying in the moment the blossoms on the trees, the smell of spring, the moonlit nights, my work, my friends, my family, and my new healthy lifestyle. It's so cool to take that in and celebrate that accomplishment. And to be hopeful and optimistic for the future and what comes next!

The little ways my life is anew this spring are plenty. Here are just a few that come to mind:

  • I start every day with Lori time - usually breakfast, a workout, and time to focus on just me!
  • I look forward to the days I can take a break from work and walk around Lake Como with anticipation and excitement vs. "I shoulds."
  • I am constantly planning my next outdoor adventure whether it be an aggressive hike, a long bike ride, taking golf lessons, etc.
  • My cute little red cooler goes to work with me every day packed with fresh healthy food that I prepare. I LOVE my little red cooler!
  • My days are filled with spurts of time to connect personally with friends, family -- not as much as I would like, but so much more than one year ago.
  • Almost every day I spend some time connecting with my Fitness North pals past, present and future - and paying it forward has now become part of my routine. And I LOVE it! I get energy from it and some day hope to actually travel and speak.
  • I don't mind having my picture taken - and actually look for opportunities to be photographed and document my progress! (Yes, Jean, you can now bring your camera and I will POSE for you!)
  • I love getting ready for work and deciding what to wear and trying on new clothes and's become a game to see how fast I can burn through the sizes!
  • I'm taking more risks with greater ease - personally and professionally.
  • I use too many explanation points in my communication these days and I don't care!! :-)
So for today, I start the day anew with a full heart, full of vim and vigor and myschief -- and ready to take on spring, summer and all my new life brings. Scheming already on that next mountain to climb and incredibly grateful for the ones I have already climbed.

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