What struck me as I was taking in spring and all of the new opportunities, was how very different my life is today vs. one spring ago -- in big and little ways.

The little ways my life is anew this spring are plenty. Here are just a few that come to mind:
- I start every day with Lori time - usually breakfast, a workout, and time to focus on just me!
- I look forward to the days I can take a break from work and walk around Lake Como with anticipation and excitement vs. "I shoulds."
- I am constantly planning my next outdoor adventure whether it be an aggressive hike, a long bike ride, taking golf lessons, etc.
- My cute little red cooler goes to work with me every day packed with fresh healthy food that I prepare. I LOVE my little red cooler!
- My days are filled with spurts of time to connect personally with friends, family -- not as much as I would like, but so much more than one year ago.
- Almost every day I spend some time connecting with my Fitness North pals past, present and future - and paying it forward has now become part of my routine. And I LOVE it! I get energy from it and some day hope to actually travel and speak.
- I don't mind having my picture taken - and actually look for opportunities to be photographed and document my progress! (Yes, Jean, you can now bring your camera and I will POSE for you!)
- I love getting ready for work and deciding what to wear and trying on new clothes and accessories..it's become a game to see how fast I can burn through the sizes!
- I'm taking more risks with greater ease - personally and professionally.
- I use too many explanation points in my communication these days and I don't care!! :-)
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