Was feeling a bit sluggish this morning when I forced myself out of bed one half hour late for my walk around Como. The first minute or two were slow - off my usual pace - although my back feels so much better (yay...almost 100%). I kept telling myself to pick it up, but my feet didn't seem to respond. Most of you have probably had mornings, days or workouts like that. It happens.
About two minutes in, I started thinking about BL11 Olivia and BL11 Hannah and how incredible they look. I love their fun and spunky attitudes as they head into their new lives. Then, I imagined myself at goal weight (pictured it in detail - cute sexy workout outfit, new sassy haircut...). I started smiling and imagining what it would be like to travel with my big pants to speak, motivate and inspire others who share this struggle. And I kept smiling as I imagined in detail the new at-goal-weight Lori and sister Kristine - just like Hannah and Olivia! The pace quickened.
Before I knew it, I was playing a mental game of let's haul b_ _ _and see how many people you can pass on the walk. And, pass I did! Couples were easy --they were slow and into each other, not the walk. Dog owners were easy -- some had a quick pace but the dog would act up and I was off. The men, pretty easy because of the motivation to: 1) see the view from the back and the front; and 2) My competitive nature - I'll show them I can move! Before I knew it, I had passed about 8 people and felt like maybe I was back at FN with the Chief - Leif Anderson - telling me to "pick up the pace...keep moving...you can do it, Lori...you're a fat burning machine!...REACH YOUR POTENTIAL!" Not necessarily in that order.
By the end of my walk, I beat my best time by nearly 5 minutes! At this point, I could stop and head home or ask myself: WWLD - "What Would Leif Do?" Or, more accurately, "What Would Leif Say?" Without hesitation, I kept walking up the hill to the waterfall and -- with a brief pause to imagine myself with my sister, Olivia and Hannah at goal weight -- I kept moving around the upper trail. The view was gorgeous! This was a part of the park I hadn't seen on foot or experienced before. And I was movin. What a cool perspective from which to view my lake...and life!
Without missing a beat, and with the phrase WWLD, I hit every hill hard. I took every trail and I walked for another 15 to 20 minutes -- running slowly up some hills just to see how my back would do. The entire time, I heard Leif's voice in my head coaching me on. And yes, at the top of the hills I did the Rocky fist pump and I don't care who saw me! :-)
At the end of the walk, as I was "walking it off" to let the heart rate slow after the hills, I started to think about WIFM - What's In It For Me. WIFM is the common phrase that marketers and communicators keep in mind when thinking about their target markets. Consumers will always think/ask/be motivated by - WIFM.
Of course, for me...on this glorious morning, the answer is easy. I pictured myself again at goal weight smiling from ear to ear, helping people with my story and my big pants. By the way, in my visualization, I am wearing a hot little red skin tight workout jacket and pants and lookin really good!
The best part of this story, and it encapsulates what I have learned these past 7 months, is this: I KNOW that although today I asked myself WWLD to get me through the workout with high intensity - pushing myself beyond what I would normally do.Tomorrow, I will say, WWLD (What Would LORI Do?)...and it will be the same answer. That, my friends, is progress.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Sisters and soulmates...let part 2 of the journey begin!

And so began the second half of the climb with a load that is about 120 pounds lighter than 7 months ago, and with my beloved younger sister, Kristine, by my side! Yep. I now have a partner and teammate.

Inspired by Biggest Loser 11 winner Olivia Ward and her sister Hannah Curlee, I asked my sister if she wanted to team up for the second half of the journey. She agreed, and on June 17 we ventured out to cross the finish line to better health and happiness together.
After a weekend of long talks and walks around Como Lake, grocery shopping for the right food, and goal setting to mark short and long term progress, we celebrated by taking my Dad to the Twins game on Father's Day. We proceeded to bring our almonds and protein water and eat healthy while enjoying one of the best end game finishes (Twins win in bottom of the 9th) you can imagine! What a way to kick off our experience together.
I couldn't be more excited to have my beloved sister and soulmate as my partner on this final leg of the journey. We'll be posting here about our progress, our triumphs and our trials. And I hope we cross that finish line together with all the vim and vigor (and sexiness) of Hannah and Olivia from BL. Here we go!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
New life...at Como and everywhere
My walk around Como Lake this early morning was simply spectacular and I couldn't wait to get home and blog about it. First of all, the morning couldn't have been more glorious - high 60's or 70 degrees and sunny with a light breeze and a calm and quiet lake. Gosh I LOVE this place!
What I noticed this morning is that there was new life everywhere...and for me that was rather symbolic. Around the first bend of the lake I noticed 3 sets of mama ducks and their babies lounging and playing in the calm lake. The next corner brought baby bunnies and mama not too far away snacking on breakfast while keeping a watchful eye. Later, more families of ducks and geese gathered on the shore - perhaps also scrounging for breakfast. The water was glistening, the air fresh and clean and Lake Como's Restoration Habitat Shoreline Project well under way.
I also noticed that I personally spring to life when I take these early morning walks around my beloved lake. I spend my time thinking about things -- focusing on my program and what comes next, how I will look and feel when done, how I will celebrate and with whom, when -- including parties, makeovers and travel. What my makeover will look like? What new adventures will come my way personally and professionally? My mind is fresh and brimming with ideas.
I close my eyes and breath deeply as I think of my Women's Leadership Community and, in particular, Margy Nelson one of the leaders of our cohort who introduced me to the mind and body connection in a way I hadn't embraced before. For Margy, I close my eyes and do a BAQ. I think of inviting my new women friends -- who I don't see much anymore because of our busy lives -- to join me on one of these walks. How cool would that be?! I think about inviting my friend Shari from FN, who has been my partner, mentor and friend on this journey walking nearly an identical path, to join me for a makeover when we reach our next big milestone. Fun!
Cheerfulness is a general part of my personality and it has never been a problem to conjure it up when I am centered and happy, but I can also get pretty stressed and crabby on occasion. On these walks, at the start of each new day, I am always cheerful, centered, excited to see what comes next. Today my goal is to bottle that and hang on to it during the stressful and challenging moments sure to come as I try to build a business. Holding that cheerfulness, I greet my fellow walkers and lake travelers. And yes, there are still more men than women! Yeah.
Today on the way back from the lake, I saw a father chasing his young son around the yard, picking him up and swinging him in the air. He was in his dress clothes, clearly headed to work but he took time to play with his son to start the day. It made me smile and think of Jimbo and Jack, and all of my other men friends who are good dads.
Everywhere I looked and everything I saw this morning on my walk was a sign of new life, and new beginnings. I am so hopeful for myself, my friends Shari, Carrie, Sue, Phillip and my other FN friends (under the guidance and support of O'Neal and Leif)....for all of us who have shared this journey. There will indeed be new life, new beginnings, new chapters yet to imagine. For me, there already have been. The future is bright because we are changed and changing, and we are so strong. I am excited for what comes next! And every time I walk around my beloved Como, I bring that hope and each of these people with me in spirit.
Who wants to join me on the next walk? Application process is wide open... Have a great day everyone and enjoy the new life that surrounds you. Cheers!
P.S. Yesterday, Monday, June 13 I started chapter 2 of my journey. New plan, Leif's guidance, my Twin Cities trainers in place - and a new VERY exciting chapter. My sister is joining me for leg 2 of the journey. I can't wait to tell you about it. But now, I must work.

I also noticed that I personally spring to life when I take these early morning walks around my beloved lake. I spend my time thinking about things -- focusing on my program and what comes next, how I will look and feel when done, how I will celebrate and with whom, when -- including parties, makeovers and travel. What my makeover will look like? What new adventures will come my way personally and professionally? My mind is fresh and brimming with ideas.
I close my eyes and breath deeply as I think of my Women's Leadership Community and, in particular, Margy Nelson one of the leaders of our cohort who introduced me to the mind and body connection in a way I hadn't embraced before. For Margy, I close my eyes and do a BAQ. I think of inviting my new women friends -- who I don't see much anymore because of our busy lives -- to join me on one of these walks. How cool would that be?! I think about inviting my friend Shari from FN, who has been my partner, mentor and friend on this journey walking nearly an identical path, to join me for a makeover when we reach our next big milestone. Fun!
Cheerfulness is a general part of my personality and it has never been a problem to conjure it up when I am centered and happy, but I can also get pretty stressed and crabby on occasion. On these walks, at the start of each new day, I am always cheerful, centered, excited to see what comes next. Today my goal is to bottle that and hang on to it during the stressful and challenging moments sure to come as I try to build a business. Holding that cheerfulness, I greet my fellow walkers and lake travelers. And yes, there are still more men than women! Yeah.
Today on the way back from the lake, I saw a father chasing his young son around the yard, picking him up and swinging him in the air. He was in his dress clothes, clearly headed to work but he took time to play with his son to start the day. It made me smile and think of Jimbo and Jack, and all of my other men friends who are good dads.
Everywhere I looked and everything I saw this morning on my walk was a sign of new life, and new beginnings. I am so hopeful for myself, my friends Shari, Carrie, Sue, Phillip and my other FN friends (under the guidance and support of O'Neal and Leif)....for all of us who have shared this journey. There will indeed be new life, new beginnings, new chapters yet to imagine. For me, there already have been. The future is bright because we are changed and changing, and we are so strong. I am excited for what comes next! And every time I walk around my beloved Como, I bring that hope and each of these people with me in spirit.
Who wants to join me on the next walk? Application process is wide open... Have a great day everyone and enjoy the new life that surrounds you. Cheers!
P.S. Yesterday, Monday, June 13 I started chapter 2 of my journey. New plan, Leif's guidance, my Twin Cities trainers in place - and a new VERY exciting chapter. My sister is joining me for leg 2 of the journey. I can't wait to tell you about it. But now, I must work.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
I'm a hiker!
I am discovering so many new things about myself as I get smaller and healthier, both inside and out. For example: I love the outdoors; I would go barefoot 24-7 if I could; Ms Dash rocks; yard work is not as bad as I once made it out to be; I can pull off a low neck tee; I love getting my hair cut; pedis rule; I always root for the underdog; I am a bit of a fashion/ clothes horse; and I LOVE hiking!
This past week I had the privilege of living and working on the North Shore of Lake Superior, again...as I have done countless times these past four years. But now, I have a whole new relationship with the shore. I am one with nature; an outdoor explorer in a whole new way (on foot!). Turns out, one of the things I love most about the shore is hiking the state parks and the Superior Hiking Trail.
I started the week with an early morning hike from Surfside to Temperance River, up the raging, roaring river and back. The hike is about 1.5 miles from Surfside to Temperance along the paved Gitchi Gami bike trail, and then you travel up the rugged terrain of Temperance alongside the raving river and gushing waterfalls. Unfortunately, I had to work that day so I had to cut what could have been a half a day hike, short.
The hike was perfect. It was early and it had rained the night before so there was a bit of dampness in the air, dew on the plants. and the smell of fresh mountain air was invigorating. It was totally quiet. I had the trail all to myself the entire time, except for the occasional critter. I was so confident that no one was watching that I ran the steps next to the Temperance River like Rocky (yes fist pump and all) 3x to get in a little extra cardio! I walked as fast as I could both out and back and challenged myself to beat my time the next day.
When I was finished with my hike, I was a new person! So relaxed and refreshed. Enjoying breakfast on the sunny deck overlooking gorgeous Lake Superior, I vowed I would hike every day at least 1x per day from now on while working on the Shore. Oberg Mountain is my favorite mountain hike thus far, but Carlton Peak is next up. I will let you know how it compares. And while Temperance is such a favorite of mine and always has been, I ventured out along other trails on this trip as well.
Before I departed, I got a copy of the Superior Hiking Trail guide published by the Superior Hiking Trail Association, and am studying it now to see what goals I will set for this summer in terms of miles of trail hiked, etc.
What a gift to learn that this is something I love and look forward to, and what a different way to experience my beautiful North Shore up close and personal. I am a lucky girl!
Now added to the bucket list is the goal of hiking the entire Superior Hiking Trail (all 277 miles) and photographing and blogging about the journey. For those of you who don't know the trail, you are missing out. The Superior Hiking Trail is a long-distance footpath that runs along the ridgeline overlooking Lake Superior's North Shore from Duluth to the Canadian border. The Trail is complete from Two Harbors to the border, and a full trail hike is 205 miles. The full trail system is 277 miles.
Happy Trails! Let me know if you're up for a hike this summer or fall.

When I was finished with my hike, I was a new person! So relaxed and refreshed. Enjoying breakfast on the sunny deck overlooking gorgeous Lake Superior, I vowed I would hike every day at least 1x per day from now on while working on the Shore. Oberg Mountain is my favorite mountain hike thus far, but Carlton Peak is next up. I will let you know how it compares. And while Temperance is such a favorite of mine and always has been, I ventured out along other trails on this trip as well.
Before I departed, I got a copy of the Superior Hiking Trail guide published by the Superior Hiking Trail Association, and am studying it now to see what goals I will set for this summer in terms of miles of trail hiked, etc.
What a gift to learn that this is something I love and look forward to, and what a different way to experience my beautiful North Shore up close and personal. I am a lucky girl!
Now added to the bucket list is the goal of hiking the entire Superior Hiking Trail (all 277 miles) and photographing and blogging about the journey. For those of you who don't know the trail, you are missing out. The Superior Hiking Trail is a long-distance footpath that runs along the ridgeline overlooking Lake Superior's North Shore from Duluth to the Canadian border. The Trail is complete from Two Harbors to the border, and a full trail hike is 205 miles. The full trail system is 277 miles.
Happy Trails! Let me know if you're up for a hike this summer or fall.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Gettin healthy...no time for drama
I have been thinking a lot lately about the roll external forces and the actions of other people play on my progress to climb that mountain and become the best me. Or, rather, the ways in which I allow the actions of others to influence my behavior toward my program.
For me, it is too easy and comfortable to get caught up in trying to help, fix, process with others - all in the category of helping because I care. But really it is often uncessary drama and takes the focus off me.
This is a blog topic of future note and one that needs exploration. For now, my mantra is "I am too busy getting healthy and there is no time for drama." Sorry to those of you who might want me to engage. I am not available.
For me, it is too easy and comfortable to get caught up in trying to help, fix, process with others - all in the category of helping because I care. But really it is often uncessary drama and takes the focus off me.
This is a blog topic of future note and one that needs exploration. For now, my mantra is "I am too busy getting healthy and there is no time for drama." Sorry to those of you who might want me to engage. I am not available.
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